Society Background
The Society was formed in 1974 to promote and develop Polar Philately. It is affiliated with the Philatelic Association of NSW (“PHILAS”) and is chapter 5(3) of the American Society of Polar Philatelists.
The Society meets every three months at 8 pm, at the Ryde Ex-Services Memorial Community Club, 724 Victoria Road, Ryde NSW.
“Penguin Views” is the official journal of the Society, published three times annually: Jan- April, May-August and Sept-Dec. All opinions expressed in the Journal are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Society. Photocopied back issues are available at $AU8 per issue (postage paid) from the Secretary.
Contact Details
Website: http://www.asfpp.org.au
Society email address: penviews [at] hotmail.com
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/polar.philately/
Correspondence address details are:
For membership applications us our form here, or alternatively and for back issues or general enquiries email The Secretary at: polar [at] stephen-bennett.com
Regarding “Penguin Views” email penviews [at] hotmail.com or write to:
The Editor
PO Box 215
Spit Junction NSW 2088
For payments of subscriptions email penviews [at] hotmail.com or write to:
The Treasurer
PO Box 7068
Bondi Beach NSW 2026
Note: Within Australia, a direct deposit can be made to the Australian Society for Polar Philately bank account: St George Bank BSB 112879 and account number 018103649. Please reference any deposit with your name.