You'll be surprised how quickly your collection will grow and it is a great idea to get organised as soon as you can. Our colleagues over at the American Society of Polar Philatelists have a suggested set of polar categories. We have used this as a basis and added several countries which are now issuing polar-related material:
01 All Polar Material
02 All Arctic Material
03 All Antarctic Material Activities
04 Danish Arctic and Antarctic Activities
05 Spitzbergen and Jan Mayen Islands
06 Greenland
07 Iceland
08 Faroes
09 Canadian Yukon & NW Territories
10 Alaska
11 U.S. Drifting Stations
12 Russian Arctic Activities
13 Russia
14 All Sub-antarctic Activities
15 Tristan da Cunha
16 South African Antarctic including Gough Is., Marion Is., and SANAE
17 Falkland Islands
18 British Antarctic Territory, South Georgia & Falkland Islands
19 Argentine Antarctic Activities
20 Australian Antarctic Activities
21 Brazilian Antarctic Activities
22 Belgian Antarctic Activities
23 Chilean Antarctic Activities
24 China (Taiwan) Antarctic Activities
25 Peoples Rep. of China Antarctic Activities
26 French Southern and Antarctic Activities
27 German Antarctic Activities
28 Democratic People's Republic of Korea Antarctic Activities
29 Indian Antarctic Activities
30 Italian Antarctic Activities
31 Japanese Antarctic Activities
32 Rep. of Korea Ant. Activities
33 Norwegian Antarctic Activities
34 Polish Antarctic Activities
35 Ross Dependencies & Campbell lsIand
36 Spanish Antarctic Activities
37 U.S. Antarctic Activities
38 Russian Antarctic Activities
39 International Polar Year
40 International Geophysical Year
41 Polar Flights
42 Trans-Polar Expeditions
43 Stamps with Polar Themes
44 Polar Bears on Stamps
45 Penguins on Stamps
46 Whales and Whaling
47 Polar Military & War (Field Posts, War Covers, Naval Ships in Polar Waters, etc.)
48 Polar Maritime (other than in #47, e.g. Icebreakers, Research Vessel, etc.)
49 Early Antarctic Expeditions
50 New Zealand Antarctic Activities
51 Ecuadorian Arctic and Antarctic Activities
52 Middle Eastern Arctic and Antarctic Activities
53 Other Asian Arctic and Antarctic Activities
54 Finnish Arctic and Antarctic Activities
55 Swedish Arctic and Antarctic Activities
56 Icelandic Arctic Activities
57 Czechoslovakian Arctic and Antarctic Activities
58 Romanian Arctic and Antarctic Activities
59 UK Arctic and Antarctic Activities
97 Polar Books and Publications
98 Correspondence & Exchange
99 Anything Polar not covered above, list here: _ _ _ _
If you know of other countries or activities that are not listed, then please drop us a line so he can add it to our site.
Many of the above categories have been put into a couple of Microsoft Word Templates for Avery 16283 printable tabs 1¾" x 1" for laser or ink jet printers. Click here to download Part 1 and here for Part 2.