Casey Station Postmasters
Some readers may know that I have been writing an encyclopaedia of Antarctic philately. As a part of this I have been trying to document the people who have been postmasters at the Australian Antarctic bases. I will publish all these in coming blog posts, but here is what I know of the Postmasters at Casey Station:
1969 Syd_ Henderson
1970 Jim Carver
1971 Terry Inglis
1972 not known
1973 Jim Carver
1974 not known
1975 not known
1978 Gerry Bryant
1977 Peter W. King
1978 Mike Knox-Little
1979 Laurence Cole
1980 Tom Henry and Tony Brockbank
1981 Peter Carey
1982 Bob Orchard
1983 Alex Hindle
1984 Peter Norris-Smith
1985 Denise Jones
1986 Sheryl White
1987 Merv Steele
1988 Bob Wicks
1989 Sandy Cave
1990 Tony Scerri
1991 Meredy Zwar
1992 Alex Hindle
1993 Dave Harrison
1994 Donna Simper
1995 Patrick Kildea
1996 Graham Smith
1997 George Wiseman
1998 Wally Owen
1999 Barry Chester
2000 Andrew McLaughlin
2001 not known
2002 Glenn Browning
2003 Dr. Peter Lovell
2004 Dominic O’Sullivan
2005 Mark Hampton
2006 not known
2007 not known
2008 not known
2009 not known
2010 not known
2011 Philip Marthick
2012 Philip Marthick/ Abrar Shabren
2013 Abrar Shabren
2014 not known
2015 not known
2016 not known
2017 not known
2018 not known
If anyone knows of mistakes or additions, then please drop me a line at p-6-1-B-at-protonmail-dot-com - or via this website.